Wednesday, 13 November, 2024
Art and Culture

Education Deprived Girls Get Free Training from Female Artist in Herat

Education Deprived Girls Get Free Training from Female Artist in Herat
  • PublishedJuly 30, 2023

Feriba Hussaini who is an artist in the eastern Herat province has provided free training opportunities for girls who are deprived of going to schools and universities.

Her eight students in her art gallery named Behrang are all those who would go to high schools and universities in the province bordering Iran.

Hussaini says that she plans to increase the number of her female students so that they can both learn how to draw and spend their free time.

Students who are attending the class calls on the Islamic Emirate not to waste their time anymore and that reopen their high schools and universities.

It has been almost two years since more than three million girls over the grade of six have been ordered to stay home until further notice while the university ban has been announced almost eight months ago.

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